Welcome to the free Next Life Body transformation challenge with Amanda Tubbergen.

Transform with me—Register today!

I’m offering a limited number of participants an opportunity to transform themselves free over 90 days. 

If you’re wondering why I would do such a seemingly crazy thing, the answer is simple and has two parts:

One, I want to celebrate the 10th anniversary of my own, personal transformation.  I was once an overweight Mom who’d tried just about everything to lose weight.  When I was about to give up and resign myself to being overweight for the rest of my life, I discovered the three secrets to losing weight and staying fit.  I’m passionate about sharing this knowledge with other women.

Two, I’m looking to add to my testimonials.  In exchange for helping you get your Next Life Body, I’m looking for some before and after transformation pictures.  And, if you’re internet shy, no problem, I’m happy to blur your face and won’t use your pictures until you’ve authorized me to do so.

It’s really that simple.  If you’ll give me four hours each week for the next 90 days, I’ll show you how to get your Next Life Body without starving yourself or spending every day in the gym.  Once you discover my three secrets, it will all make sense to you.

Let's get started, please answer the following questions

Let's schedule a time to chat and get you started